The Altus approachto growth is
to create long-term value

March 16, 2020
Update from Altus Capital Partners Regarding COVID-19

March 16, 2020

Dear Investor,

At Altus Capital Partners we remain focused on our investors, portfolio companies, employees, service providers and stakeholders that we continuously meet our responsibilities during these unique and challenging times. The operations of our advisory services have been minimally impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. Our employees in Chicago and Wilton are working on a staggered scheduled minimizing the time we spend together in the office. We have limited travel to only when absolutely necessary and conducting meetings through conference lines, video conferences and emails. Through the capabilities of our IT infrastructure, we are able to work seamlessly at home or other remote locations. Altus Capital has the full capability to safely and securely operate our business remotely. This is to ensure we maintain our capabilities to manage our investments.

We are in constant communications with our portfolio company CEOs whom each are addressing the virus outbreak within their respective businesses. We can report that all of our companies are continuing operations with the changes needed to ensure the safety of their workers, customers and service providers.

We are committed to making sure our teams are safe and wishing the very best to you and your families.

We are reachable by telephone or email. We will return your call if we miss you.

Altus Capital Partners


Altus Capital Partners

10 Westport Road, C204

Wilton, CT 06897

(o) 203-429-2000

(f) 203-429-2010

Altus Capital Partners

(203) 429-2000