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November 12, 2009
Building green publishing: Thermafiber® Mineral Wool insulation a Top 10 product

Recycled content, sustainable attributes help earn prestigious award
WABASH, Indiana – Thermafiber mineral wool insulation has been selected as one of the top-10 products of 2009 by the editors at BuildingGreen publishing. The eighth annual award recognizes the most innovative and appealing green building products added to the company’s GreenSpec® Product Directory or covered in Environmental Building News during the past year.

It is an honor for Thermafiber to be chosen as a top-10 green building product for 2009, says Steve Edris, Thermafiber’s President and CEO. Our products offer up to 90% recycled content the highest of any commercial insulation. In addition, our insulation helps buildings conserve energy, control noise, improve indoor air quality, improve life safety and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We appreciate BuildingGreen’s recognition of the sustainable attributes our products provide.

As in previous years, BuildingGreen selected its top-10 products primarily from new additions to the company’s GreenSpec Product Directory, which includes thousands of products.

Our selections of the top-10 green building products represent a wide range of product types in many application areas,‖ noted BuildingGreen founder and Executive Editor Alex Wilson. Many of the top-10 products this year have multiple environmental attributes.

The U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Rating System continues to drive the development of green products. The LEED system awards points for the use of certain product types or for energy/water savings. Designers of LEED buildings are looking for green products, and manufacturers are responding, Wilson said. Thermafiber’s commercial mineral wool products contribute to 33 LEED credits across four categories.

About Thermafiber
Thermafiber, Inc., is a leading manufacturer of premium mineral wool insulation products for commercial, residential, industrial and marine applications. Thermafiber commercial insulation products are specified 4-to-1 over other brands and have been installed in 5 of the 7 tallest buildings in the world. To learn more about Thermafiber, visit

For more information contact:
Thermafiber, Inc.

Austin Hess
P:260-563-2111 x202