An experienced team with a patient, disciplined approach

We believe in North American manufacturing. We understand the opportunities and challenges faced by middle market owners and managers in the sector as they strive to grow their businesses.

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We are conservative investors. Our capital structures provide management teams with the flexibility they need to succeed in a variety of economic and market environments.

Why Altus

20+ Years of experience

Our founding partners have invested together since 1998 with one goal…to earn superior investment returns by helping owners and managers achieve success. Download our brochure

Meet the team

The companies we invest in typically share the following characteristics:

  • Manufacturers with a strong position in a niche market
  • Headquartered in North America, preferably east of the Rocky Mountains
  • EBITDA of at least $4 million
  • Defensible market position, strong margins and unique products and/or manufacturing processes
  • Experienced and committed management team that desires to invest alongside Altus
  • Growth opportunities

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and there can be no assurance that the Fund(s) will achieve comparable results.